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Sun CST and Net Connect cause high cpu utilization


Solaris hosts indicate high cpu utilization caused by Sun’s CST (cstd.agt) and Net Connect (srsproxy) processes.



Configuration and Service Tracker (CST) and Net Connect are tools provided by Sun Microsystems for proactive system management at a customer site. The software processes launched by these tools run on SOlaris hosts and regularly send data to Sun Microsystems to enable Sun to track system availability and performance and continually improve Sun’s products and services. cstd.agt and srsproxy are processes belonging to CST and Net Connect respectively. While there have been problems/patches for CST and  problems/patches for Net Connect related to high cpu utilization, note that both these tools have reached their EOL and Sun no longer supports them. Instead, Sun has replaced these tools with the Services Tools Bundle (STB).



Remove CST and Net Connect software from your Solaris host(s) or replace CST and Net Connect with STB.


Root Cause:

CST and Net Connect have reached their EOL and are no longer supported. Hence, using them could lead to high CPU utilization problems.



(1) The solution above describes a successful problem-solving experience and may not be applicable to all problems with similar symptoms.

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