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Determining the Serial Number for Honda Fit/Jazz

If your radio has been disconnected from your battery for whatever reason, then you’ll need to enter a Radio Code to use your radio again. In some countries, a trip to the nearest Honda dealer will suffice, but at times, dealers may provide you the radio code via phone if you provide them your car’s Serial Number (S/N). I performed the following steps to obtain my car’s (Honda Fit/Jazz 2007) S/N number (as I couldn’t find it anywhere in/on the car).

  1. Turn your ignition key to the position wherein the radio may be turned on, but your engine does not start.
  2. Ensure your radio is off.
  3. Press preset buttons 1 and 6 together and while these buttons are pressed, turn your radio ON. And voila! Your S/N will be displayed on the radio’s display.

hondafit2007  hondafit2007_dash

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