Given below are some tips from my scratchpad on working with files and directories in PowerShell. These are just basic tips and by no means exhaustive. Check out the book “Windows PowerShell in Action” by Bruce Payette, an excellent book on PowerShell authored by the lead developer of the language.
# Directory Listing PS C:\POWERSHELL> dir Directory: C:\POWERSHELL Mode LastWriteTime Length Name ---- ------------- ------ ---- -a--- 12/29/2010 12:01 PM 1929 PowerShellTips.ps1 -a--- 12/29/2010 10:40 AM 50 test1.txt # Number of files in a directory PS C:\POWERSHELL> (dir).count 3 PS C:\POWERSHELL> (dir).length 3 # Number of files matching a pattern PS C:\POWERSHELL> (dir *.ps1).count 1 # Number of lines in a file PS C:\POWERSHELL> ${C:PowerShellTips.ps1}.length 141 PS C:\POWERSHELL> (Get-Content .\PowerShellTips.ps1).length 141 PS C:\POWERSHELL> (Get-Content .\PowerShellTips.ps1).count 141 # Largest file in a directory PS C:\POWERSHELL> dir | Sort-Object -property length -Descending | Select-Object -first 1 | foreach-object {$_.length} 7157724 # Files created in the last 31 days PS C:\POWERSHELL> dir | ?{$_.lastwritetime -ge ([datetime]::Now).AddDays(-31)} | %{"I am " + $_.Name} I am PowerShellTips.ps1 I am test1.txt PS C:\POWERSHELL> dir | %{if ($_.lastwritetime -ge ([datetime]::Now).AddDays(-31)) {"I am " + $_.Name}} I am PowerShellTips.ps1 I am test1.txt
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