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About Me

I’m Gavin Satur, an Information Technology professional, currently residing in Irvine, California. I’ve worked in technology within the Telecom, Banking, Payments and Cloud Provider domains in the UK, Canada and USA. 

I am deeply passionate about leveraging automation and AI to drive innovation and elevate end-user experiences. For most of my career, I have held technical leadership roles, where I’ve specialized in developing strategic solutions, fostering collaboration across diverse teams, and leading effective teams that deliver consistent value to organizations.

I started this blog in 2009 to share my knowledge and experiences in technology  (and initially other stuff that made headlines), as well as serve as a reference for myself. I’ve been blogging on and off with a rather long “quiet” period simply because I haven’t dedicated adequate time to blogging (my regret, as I’ve had a lot more to share). Nevertheless, I will continue to keep this blog going and hopefully be a more active blogger. 

This blog is hosted on WordPress and Raspberry Pi.


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  1. Lydia

    Hi, so glad I found this clear and concise blog. Decided once and for all to find out what these milk labels actually mean. Now wish shops would just go back to having pasteurised, nothing else.

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