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Orbit Downloader – Web 2.0 download manager

Orbit Downloader is a free download manager software aimed at managing streaming media downloads from social networking websites such as MySpace, YouTube, etc. In fact, you can use it as a download manager for downloading any resource from the web.

I use Orbit downloader to download YouTube videos and it works like a charm!

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1 Comment

  1. Biju

    Hi Gavin,

    After I installed Oribt downloader, it is not working for me. I have firefox and for some reason videos on Youtube just do not play and I have to kill the firefox process finally. When I disable getit and recorder the videos play. I reinstalled and also restarted my laptop. I haven’t spent time on debugging yet, but do you have any idea?

    What happened to your blog where you talk about Realplayer downloader.

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