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Disposable email – Use and forget

Have you provided your personal email account when registering on websites using email confirmation? Have you hesitated to provide comments on blogs, forums, etc. because of fear of having to provide your personal email address? Of course, you always have the option of registering a free email account just for this purpose, but this means you have yet another username/password pair to remember or require some time to create a fictional identity. Instead, how about using a temporary email address that requires no registration? That’s exactly what 10 Minute Mail offers!! It provides you with a temporary email address that is valid for 10 minutes (more than enough time to respond to email registrations). Beat the spam caused by various online registrations!

Well, I’ve now found that Disposable Email Addressing (DEA) has been around for some time and there are several DEA services on the web. Refer this blog post for 20 such disposable email services (Mailinator, MyTrashMail, etc.). Website admins are nowadays blocking registrations with temporary email addresses. Well, you can always try!

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